Deprecation Notice: Specifying SMTP by Number in Docly data-smtp attributes

In line with our commitment to deliver a more streamlined and user-friendly experience, we are planning significant changes to the way Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is set up in Docly.

Effective 1. september 2023, the method of specifying SMTP configurations using numerical values will be deprecated. This decision has been made in an effort to simplify our user interface, increase security, and ensure consistency across our platform.

Instead of refering to configurations with numerical values, you will now have to refer them by their aboslute path in by each application.

This change is planned to take effect fully from September 1, 2023. We highly encourage you to make the necessary changes in your Docly configurations before this date to avoid any disruptions.

Example of how to use data-smtp attribute:

<form id="SignUpForm" data-smtp="#/MySmtpConfig">

For more information about sending forms by email please see:

Thank you for your continued support. Let us know if you need any help.

All owners of files with this issue will be contacted seperately.

Best wishes,
The Docly Team