Discover the ideas and guidelines for creating and extending Docly™.
Learn about different template types and their implementation to ensure consistent and structured data across your document database.
With the Docly™ schema designers you can create your own types of documents for your data and content.
The # fol­der
Learn about the "Code" folder where developers place their stuff and hide it for normal users.
Ja­vaSc­rip­t re­feren­ce
In Docly you create custom display templates (HTML and/or PDF) and API functions using JavaScript both in frontend and backend.
Ja­vaSc­rip­t examp­les
Explore examples to see and learn how to use HashScript in Docly™ to do wonderful things!
Read our guidelines for branding and coding in Docly™ here.
Read anything from news updates, notices and posts about some ideas and ways of coding web and web apps in Docly™.