New De­velo­per Pa­ges in the Work­s
We have some exciting news to share! In our continuous pursuit to provide a more streamlined and engaging experience for our developers, we are thrilled to announce that we're currently developing new Developer Pages on our platform.
Imp­lemen­t­ing St­ripe Pay­ments in Doc­ly: A Step-by-Step Gui­de
Today, we're excited to walk you through the process of integrating Stripe, a leading online payment platform, into your Docly applications. An effective and seamless payment process can drastically enhance your user experience, and we're here to show you just how straightforward this implementation can be.
Suc­cess­fu­l Ser­ver Up­date and Mig­ratio­n to Mic­rosof­t Azu­re: Wel­come to En­han­ced Per­for­man­c­e and Sca­labi­li­ty
We are excited to announce that we have successfully completed a significant server update and migration to Microsoft Azure, one of the leading cloud platforms in the world. This strategic move marks a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to provide you with the best performance, reliability, and security.
The Doc­ly Part­ner Net­work: Em­powe­rin­g Bu­sines­se­s with Cut­ting-Ed­ge Web App­lica­ti­ons and Web­site­s
We are proud to introduce you to our global Docly Partner Network. This network consists of a highly dedicated and motivated set of partners who are committed to delivering top-tier Docly web applications to clients across the globe, around the clock. Their primary objective is to create business solutions that surpass customer expectations.