The co­de (#) fol­der
Used to put templates for how your Docly site should display your content.
Pub­lis­hin­g a fol­der in Doc­ly
Publish a folder to create websites from your Docly content. Make them available for the public or for invited people only.
Set­ting up and using a Mas­ter Pa­ge
Master pages are used with docly's "master file" directive. Please refer to new updated code examples.
Set­ting up de­fault fi­les
Default files are available in the root or any subfolder, they can always be overridden if desired. When the file is no present in the root or a sub folder the default file with act as it was in the folder. The default files are used to make "Publish templates" and/or to keep the code away from the content files.
Con­nect to Doc­ly with FT­P
Use the FTP protocol to connect to your Docly folders, scan to FTP from printers or script something cool.
Wel­come to Doc­ly - The Exp­ress Co­ding Plat­for­m
We are delighted to introduce you to Docly™, an extraordinarily efficient platform designed for the development and management of web applications and websites in the cloud. Our mission is to equip you with a robust cloud-based toolbox that allows you to deliver smart IT solutions tailored to your company's unique needs with greater ease, speed, and quality than ever before. We believe Docly™ exemplifies digital transformation in action.