Appending Data to a JSON File in Docly

Discover how to effortlessly append data to a JSON file in Docly with this concise guide.

Being able to effectively manage and manipulate JSON files is a vital skill in today's data-centric world. As a user of Docly, an innovative express coding tool that leverages JavaScript for both front and backend, you have the convenience of directly manipulating your JSON files within the platform. This blog post will walk you through the process of appending data to a JSON file in Docly using its built-in docly.getJson(filename) and docly.saveJson(filename, object) functions.

Understanding the Docly Functions

Docly has two primary functions that facilitate the reading and writing of JSON files:

Function Description
docly.getJson(filename) This function takes a filename as a parameter and returns a JavaScript object representing the content of the JSON file. This object can then be manipulated as required.
docly.saveJson(filename, object) This function takes a filename and a JavaScript object as parameters. It converts the JavaScript object into a JSON string and saves it to the specified file.

Appending Data to a JSON File in Docly

Now, let's dive into a practical example where we append new data to a JSON file:

> 1. Retrieve Existing Data

Firstly, let's retrieve the data in your JSON file. We will call the docly.getJson(filename) function, passing the name of your JSON file as an argument:

let data = docly.getJson('myFile.json');

> 2. Append New Data

Having loaded the existing data, it's time to append new information. Given the flexibility of JavaScript objects, the method you'll use to append data depends on whether your JSON data is structured as an array or an object.

If your data is an array, you can simply use the push() method:

let newData = {key: 'value'}; // Your new data here

On the other hand, if your data is an object, you can add a new key-value pair:

let newData = {key: 'value'}; // Your new data here
data.newKey = newData;

> Save the Updated Data

With your data successfully appended, it's time to save the updated JavaScript object back to the JSON file. To do this, we will call the docly.saveJson(filename, object) function:

docly.saveJson('myFile.json', data);

And there you have it! You've successfully appended data to a JSON file in Docly using JavaScript.


With Docly's easy-to-use getJson and saveJson functions, appending data to a JSON file is a breeze. While it may seem like a small capability, it's a powerful tool that can drastically streamline your data management tasks. Whether you're adding a single entry or updating bulk data, the ability to manipulate JSON files directly within Docly can save you both time and effort. So go ahead, give it a try and experience the convenience first-hand.