Setting up Visual Studio Code for Docly

Visual Studio Code is a source code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. It includes support for debugging, embedded Git control, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, and code refactoring. It's a great and free tool for programming the modern web!

Map Docly as a Network Drive

Before you can edit code with VSC you should map Docly as a Network Drive.

Follow this guide:

Install Visual Studio Code

Download and install it from here:

Setup the HASH file extension

The HASH extension is used by DOCLY and must be mapped to HTML in VSC.

Open "File > Preferences > User Settings" from VSC:

Add the following to your settings.json part on the right side:

  "files.associations": {
        "*.hash": "html"

Like this:

Save your changes and close the tabs. VSC will now work with the docly .hash files.

Open a published folder

Use the "File -> Open folder" option to open one of your docly sites from VSC:

Navigate to your folder through your mapped drive and click select folder:

Your site structure will be shown on the left:

You can now open and edit the files in your site directly from Visual Studio Code.