Deprecation Notice: Changes to User Groups and Template Storage in Docly

Dear Docly Users, We're reaching out to inform you of upcoming changes that aim to enhance your experience with Docly. Here's a brief overview:

Removal of User Groups

In our ongoing commitment to enhance user experience and simplify processes, we are transitioning away from the current user group system.

We're shifting all configurable settings from user groups directly to folder-level settings. This move not only eliminates the necessity for user groups but also streamlines the existing model, making it more intuitive and user-friendly.

This adjustment is in line with other forthcoming changes and embodies the evolving vision for the platform.

Template Storage Changes

Templates that were once configured at the group, user and folder level will soon only be configurable at the folder level. This adjustment ensures that each folder will have its own set of templates, with sub-folders inheriting these settings.

Discontinuation of Home Folders

As part of our restructuring, we will no longer provide home folders for new users. For all users with empty home folders, these will be deleted.

While existing users will retain their home folders for now, please be aware that home folders will be phased out completely in the future. We will provide ample notice and guidance before this change takes effect.

Read more about the new model below.

> New folder structure

  • Workspaces: Each user will have the ability to create top-level folders (a workspace).
  • Subscription-based Provisioning: These top-level workspace folders will be provisioned through subscriptions. Depending on your subscription, you will have specific limits related to:
    • Storage space
    • Network traffic
    • Share limits
    • Publishing limits (domains, functionality)
    • API capabilities
    • Etc

What Actions Are Required from You?

Rest assured, there's no immediate action needed on your part. We'll seamlessly transition your group settings to folder-level configurations. Stay tuned for detailed updates and guidance on this process.

We believe this new structure will offer greater flexibility and customization based on your specific needs. We're committed to ensuring a smooth transition and will provide detailed guides and support throughout this process.

Thank you for your understanding and continued trust in Docly. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

Warm regards,

The Docly Team