How to se­tup Goog­le re­CAPTC­HA
Follow this guide to create a Google reCATPCHA token (human validation) in Docly™.
Ma­jor Per­for­man­c­e Up­date: En­han­cing Your Ex­perien­c­e on Doc­ly
We are thrilled to announce a major performance update rolled out in February 2021. This significant upgrade is part of our ongoing commitment to offer you a seamless, efficient, and enjoyable experience on Docly.
Up­dates to Our Part­ner Prog­ram Term­s
We are writing to inform you that we have made updates to the terms of our Partner Program. These changes reflect our continuous effort to provide clear, transparent, and beneficial collaborations with our valued partners.
Set­ting MI­ME Ty­pes for your res­pon­se out­put
At Docly, we constantly strive to offer features that make the web development process efficient and hassle-free. Today, we want to discuss how to set the media type (MIME) for your output response.
Kicks­tar­t Your Jour­ney with Doc­ly: Build, Dep­loy and Ma­nage Apps in the Clou­d
Welcome to Docly, your comprehensive toolbox for building your business in the cloud. Here, you can develop web applications and websites tailored for your clients or your own business. Whether you're a passionate coder or an ambitious web enthusiast aspiring to advance your skills, Docly offers immense possibilities to unleash your potential.