En­han­cing Web Se­curi­ty with Key HTTP Hea­ders in Doc­ly
Understanding and implementing HTTP security headers is crucial for safeguarding your web applications. In this post, we'll explore essential HTTP security headers, their origins, and how to easily set them up in Docly.
Forms in Doc­ly: Le­vera­gin­g Da­ta-Group and Da­ta-Tab­le Att­ribu­te­s
In the realm of web development, managing forms efficiently is a key aspect of user interaction. Docly offers a suite of tools to enhance this experience, including the use of data-group and data-table attributes in forms. This post explores these attributes and the integration of /jquery.submitform.js for seamless form submissions.
En­han­cing Form Se­curi­ty with da­ta-va­lida­te in Doc­ly
Explore the vital role of backend validation in web forms and how Docly's data-validate attribute seamlessly integrates this into your projects. This post delves into using data-validate for robust form security, focusing on its application in Google reCAPTCHA validation.
Int­rodu­ci­ng Pac­kages in the La­test Doc­ly Up­date: A Step-by-Step Gui­de
We're thrilled to announce an exciting feature in Docly's newest update: the introduction of "packages." This update allows users to enhance their workspace with a curated collection of templates tailored for various needs. Here's a detailed guide on how to utilize this new feature.
Doc­ly: The Exp­ress Co­ding Plat­form as an Al­ter­nati­v­e to Off-the-Shelf Soft­ware
In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses and individuals alike are constantly on the lookout for software solutions that can cater to their unique needs. While off-the-shelf software offers a one-size-fits-all approach, it often falls short in addressing specific requirements or providing the flexibility that users desire. Enter Docly, the SaaS express coding platform that's changing the game. Let's delve into how Docly can be a compelling alternative to standard software, especially when you're looking for tailored functionality.
Using Doc­ly's Fa­vori­tes Sor­ting Fea­ture
If you often find yourself working with specific files in a folder full of many, Docly's Favorites Sorting feature is designed for you. It helps you keep those key files easily accessible without disrupting your workflow. Here's how to use it.
Un­ders­tan­d­ing the Shift to Works­pac­es
Change is the only constant, and in our quest to continually improve your experience, we've rolled out a significant update: the transition from a home folder-centric system to a workspace-based model. This change aims to make your workflow more streamlined, collaborative, and efficient. In this blog post, we'll guide you through what this change means for you, how your old home folder fits into this new paradigm, and how you can manage these new workspaces.
Why We Cal­led Our Plat­form Doc­ly
The tech landscape is filled with cleverly named products, and first impressions can indeed make a significant impact. When “Docly” emerges on the scene – a cloud SaaS document database with built-in RAD tools, all running on a JavaScript foundation – one can’t help but wonder about the story behind the name.
Dep­reca­ti­on No­tice: Chan­ges to User Groups and Temp­late Sto­rage in Doc­ly
Dear Docly Users, We're reaching out to inform you of upcoming changes that aim to enhance your experience with Docly. Here's a brief overview:
Cus­tomi­za­tion and Co­ding Mec­hanis­ms in Doc­ly: An Over­vie­w
Docly is rapidly gaining traction as an express coding platform, offering developers a seamless experience in both front-end and back-end development. This blog post aims to shed light on the various customization and coding mechanisms available in Docly, making it a go-to choice for many developers.
Ap­pen­ding Da­ta to a JSON Fi­le in Doc­ly
Discover how to effortlessly append data to a JSON file in Docly with this concise guide.
Crea­ting PDF fi­les from HTML using Ja­vaSc­rip­t in Doc­ly
In today's digital age, the ability to generate PDF files programmatically has become increasingly important. JavaScript, a popular programming language known for its versatility and flexibility, can be utilized to create dynamic and interactive content on the web. When combined with powerful platforms like Docly, developers can efficiently generate PDF files with ease.
How to Ge­nera­te Ex­cel Out­put in a Doc­ly API Func­tion Using Ja­vaSc­rip­t
One of the great features of Docly is its ability to generate various file types, including Excel, by writing simple JavaScript functions. By using a combination of JavaScript functions, we can create a table, fill it with data, and send it as an Excel file (XLSX).
Har­nes­sin­g AI for Ef­ficien­t Co­ding in Doc­ly
The artificial intelligence revolution is upon us, transforming the way we interact with technology and conceive new ideas. At Docly, we're at the forefront of this change, leveraging the potential of AI to redefine coding paradigms and make your development experience even more seamless.
Mis­sion sta­temen­t
Docly™ is on a mission to transform web development by introducing our intuitive, cloud-based platform designed to launch businesses towards new horizons. While there's a growing trend of 'no code' platforms, we believe in the power of coding, but with the goal to make it as straightforward and convienient as possible.
An­noun­cin­g New Up­date Com­muni­ca­tion Chan­nels­: Blog Posts & Email Notifications
In our ongoing effort to enhance your experience with our platform, we are excited to announce changes to how we communicate system updates. In order to keep you more promptly and comprehensively informed, we are implementing a two-pronged approach: updates will first be posted to our blog, followed by email notifications sent directly to you.
An­noun­cin­g Ref­res­hed and Re­vam­ped Web Pa­ges on Doc­ly.or­g
We're delighted to announce that we've given our web pages on Docly.org a significant facelift. With a fresh new look, intuitive design, and improved functionality, our revamped site is designed to enhance your experience and make information more easily accessible.
Dep­reca­ti­on No­tice: Spe­cifyi­ng SMTP by Num­ber in Doc­ly da­ta-smtp att­ribu­te­s
In line with our commitment to deliver a more streamlined and user-friendly experience, we are planning significant changes to the way Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is set up in Docly.
Pre-No­tice: Dep­reca­ti­on of Old Brac­ket Syn­tax
We're continually evolving Docly to serve you better, and as part of this journey, we wish to inform our users about an upcoming change that will impact the current way of coding within our platform.
Re­vam­ping Con­tent: Mig­ratio­n of Old Ar­tic­les to Blog and Up­dates to New HashJS Syn­tax
As part of our ongoing efforts to streamline our content and make it more accessible, we have been working on a comprehensive project to migrate our old articles into the blog section of our website. Now, you will be able to find all of our articles, old and new, in one convenient location.
Tran­siti­oning to a New HTML to PDF Con­ver­ter­: A Dep­reca­ti­on No­tice for WKPDF ge­nera­tor
We're reaching out to bring to your attention some crucial changes happening with our HTML to PDF conversion system. We have chosen to deprecate the old wkhtmltopdf, the default built-in HTML to PDF converter, as part of our ongoing efforts to modernize our technology stack and provide better performance to our users.