Doc­ly now uses Mic­rosof­t Mo­naco as co­de edi­tor and diff too­l
We are excited to announce that Docly has upgraded its code editing experience by implementing Microsoft's Monaco Editor, the same powerful editor that powers Visual Studio Code. This change brings significant improvements to both our code editing and diff viewing capabilities.
Coun­ters in Doc­ly
Sometimes we need counters in our APIs to provide sequential numbers for our data, such as row IDs, ticket numbers, or customer numbers. This post explores how to use number series and counters effectively in your projects.
BE­TA of in­teg­rate­d AI
We are pleased to announce the BETA release of our integrated AI features, now available for testing without the need for your own API key. This update brings AI capabilities to our platform, aiming to enhance your productivity and creativity. Let's explore the details of this significant release.
Im­por­tant Up­date: Au­toma­tic Scan­ning Enab­led for All Sc­hema­s
We are excited to announce a significant update to our system that will enhance security and protect your data.
Au­toma­tic Scan­ning for Ma­liciou­s Da­ta: Pro­tec­tin­g Your Doc­ly Web­site­s
In today's digital landscape, website security is paramount. This article explores how our automatic scanning works behind the scenes to discover attempts of HTML injection and other malicious data, helping protect Docly websites from potential threats.
Set­ting up CloudF­la­re for Doc­ly si­tes
Setting up CloudFlare for Docly sites can significantly improve your site's performance and security. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to configure CloudFlare for your Docly site, ensuring a smooth and efficient setup.
New lo­gin flow for web­sites in be­ta
We are thrilled to announce the beta release of our new login flow for websites. This update is designed to enhance security, improve user experience, and streamline the authentication process. In this blog post, we will delve into the key features and benefits of the new login flow, as well as what to expect in the future.
Doc­ly now run­ning GPT-4o
We are pleased to announce that we have now upgraded to the latest, fastest, and best model from OpenAI, GPT-4o. This update will provide you with an even better experience with more accurate and efficient results.
Doc­ly AI now in BE­TA
Boosts productivity by assisting with quality assurance, text generation, and code writing on our express web coding platform.
Com­pare ver­sions from his­tory
Now, users can easily spot changes between document versions with our intuitive diff tool.
Doc­ly bran­ding­: Boos­ting Our Col­lec­tiv­e Suc­ces­s
Every time you use our logo in your projects, you're not just adding an image; you're powering us up. Here's the simple truth about the impact of your support through our branding.
An­noun­cin­g the Dep­reca­ti­on of jque­ry.e­d­it­page.j­s
As part of our ongoing efforts to streamline our offerings and focus on the features that bring the most value to our users, we have made the decision to deprecate jquery.editpage.js.
Hap­py New Year from Doc­ly!
As 2023 draws to a close, we're excited to celebrate the significant advancements and milestones that Docly has achieved. It's been a year marked by substantial growth and innovation.