Document Database vs Relational Database: What Works Best?

When it comes to choosing a database for your business application, the decision between a document database and a relational database can be pivotal. Both have their strengths and are suited for different types of data and use-cases. Let's delve into the key differences to help you make an informed choice.

Document Databases

Document databases like Docly, are part of the NoSQL database family. We store data in a semi-structured format JSON.

> Strengths:

  • Flexibility: Document databases don't require a fixed schema, allowing you to store data with varying sets of fields. This can be beneficial for projects with evolving requirements or where data is not uniform.
  • Scalability: These databases are built for horizontal scaling, making them a good fit for applications expecting large amounts of data or rapid growth.
  • Speed: Since related data is stored together in a single document, these databases can retrieve and write data faster as they eliminate the need for complex joins.

> Best For:

Applications dealing with diverse or unstructured data, or those that require high-speed reads and writes, like content management systems, IoT applications, or real-time analytics.

Relational Databases

Relational databases, like Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL or PostgreSQL, store data in tables, each having a predefined schema and relations between them.

> Strengths:

  • Consistency: They use ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties, ensuring reliable performance and data integrity.
  • Structure: The tabular structure with defined schema allows precise data modeling, which is great for data that fits into a rigid, well-defined structure.
  • Querying: With SQL (Structured Query Language), these databases provide powerful querying capabilities, making complex data manipulation simpler.

> Best For:

Applications that require complex transactions or have structured, unchanging data models, like banking systems, inventory management, or any system where data integrity is paramount.


The choice between a document and relational database depends on your specific needs and the nature of your data. If you value flexibility, scalability, and speed, a document database may be your best bet. However, if your priorities are data integrity, structured data, and powerful querying, a relational database could be the right fit. Always assess your business needs and data characteristics before choosing your database.