isNumber(value, [minValue], [maxValue]) Last updated: 04. Mar 2025

Checks if specified value is a number.


Name Type Description
value object Value to validate.
minValue (optional) number Specify a minimum value for the number or "null" to skip.
maxValue (optional) number Specify a maximum value for the number or "null" to skip.


Returns true if value is a number (within the specified range).


Code example (JS)

JS is normal JavaScript either running in the browser or on the Docly™ server.
let t = "test";

if (!docly.isNumber(t))
    write("'test' is not a number \n");

let n = 123;
if (docly.isNumber(n, 100, 200))
    write("123 is a number between 100 and 200\n");
if (!docly.isNumber(n, 1, 10))
    write("123 is NOT a number between 100 and 200");


The JS code above produces the output shown below:
'test' is not a number 
123 is a number between 100 and 200
123 is NOT a number between 100 and 200