Validation functions

Helper functions to easily validate values in API functions.

Is­Num­ber(value, minValue, maxValue)
Checks if specified value is a number.
IsSt­rin­g(value, minLength, maxLength)
Validates that a variable is a string with atleast one or more characters (as specified).
AreE­qua­l(value1, value2)
Checks if value1 and value2 are equal.
Are­NotE­qu­al(value1, value2)
Checks that two values are not equal.
Checks if specified value is null.
Checks if specified value is not null.
Checks for first name and last name in string.
Validates if string is an email.
As­ser­t(description, resultCode)
Throws a validation error if condition is false. Handy to use for validating arguments in an API function.
Checks if value is a date type.
Checks if value is a datetime type.