saveJson(filePath, data, ensurePath) Last updated: 04. Mar 2025

API only function

Saves data as a JSON file to Docly with specified content stringified to JSON format. This function is ideal for storing structured data in a standardized format. For more advanced document saving with custom schemas, consider using the "SaveFile" function.


Name Type Description
filePath string The absolute path where the JSON file will be saved in Docly. Ensure the path is correct and includes the desired filename with a .json extension.
data object The data to be stored, which will be automatically converted to JSON on the server side.
If a string is provided instead of an object, it will be saved directly as text without JSON conversion.
ensurePath bool If true the folder path will be created if it is missing.
Default is false.


Returns a reference to the saved file, including a timestamp and a unique GUID for the file, allowing for easy identification and retrieval.


Code example (JS)

JS is normal JavaScript either running in the browser or on the Docly™ server.
// This will save a file to Docly in JSON format and ensure the path exists (if not it will create the folder "Test Files")
let data = { "Property" : "Test value" };
docly.saveJson("Test files/Test.json", data, true);