1.1. About JavaScript
1.2. HASH files
1.3. JS files in #/API
General functions
2.1. if
2.2. else
2.3. function
name, params
2.4. return
2.5. break
2.6. continue
2.7. typeof
2.8. switch
2.9. import
2.10. try
statements, catch, finally
3.1. Include directive
3.2. Master directive
Chapter functions
4.1. Chinit
4.2. Chstep
4.3. Chdestep
4.4. Chpush
4.5. Chpop
Date and time functions
5.1. DateDiff
(date1, date2)
5.2. Formatting dates
5.3. new Date()
5.4. AddSeconds
(datetime, seconds)
5.5. AddMinutes
(datetime, minutes)
5.6. AddHours
(datetime, hours)
5.7. AddDays
(date, days)
5.8. AddMonths
(datetime, months)
5.9. AddYears
(datetime, years)
Filesystem functions
6.1. ExtractBase64Images
6.2. GetFolderProps
6.3. GetEmbeddedFolderFile
(folderPath, embeddedFilename)
6.4. SaveFolderProps
(folderPath, properties)
6.5. SaveEmbeddedFolderFile
(folderPath, embeddedFilename, data)
6.6. CreateFolder
(folderPath, folderType, folderData)
6.7. DeleteFile
6.8. DeleteFolder
6.9. FileExists
6.10. FolderExists
6.11. GetEmbeddedFile
(path, id)
6.12. GetEmbeddedTextFile
(path, id, encoding)
6.13. Include
(path, template)
6.14. GetEmbeddedFileSize
(path, id)
6.15. GetFiles
(path, searchPattern, depth, mode)
6.16. GetFolder
6.17. GetFolders
(path, searchPattern, depth)
6.18. GetFile
(filepath, metadata)
6.19. GetJson
6.20. LinkFile
(embeddedId, filename)
6.21. ListFiles
(path, searchPattern, tags, recursive, metaOnly)
6.22. ListFolders
(path, searchPattern, recursive, includeCounters)
6.23. LinkImage
(path, width, height, mode)
6.24. Image scaling
6.25. LoadExcel
(filename, column, row, sheet)
6.26. MoveFile
(filePath, toPath)
6.27. MoveFolder
(folderPath, destinationPath)
6.28. RenameFile
(filePath, newName)
6.29. SaveEmbeddedFile
(filePath, filename, data)
6.30. SaveFile
(filePath, data, schema, ensurePath)
6.31. PatchFile
(filePath, patchData)
6.32. SaveJson
(filePath, data, ensurePath)
6.33. LogJson
(filePath, data)
Math functions
7.1. Math calculations
7.2. Math.atan
7.3. Math.random
7.4. Math.cos
7.5. Math.PI
7.6. Math.sin
7.7. Math.sqrt
7.8. Math.tan
7.9. Math.abs
7.10. Math.pow
(base, exponent)
7.11. Math.ceil
7.12. Math.floor
7.13. Math.round
Array functions
8.1. Array.concat
8.2. Array.every
8.3. Array.filter
8.4. Array.find
8.5. Array.forEach
8.6. Array.groupBy
8.7. Array.indexOf
8.8. Array.join
8.9. Array.length
8.10. Array.pop
8.11. Array.push
8.12. Array.reverse
8.13. Array.shift
8.14. Array.isArray
8.15. Array.slice
(start, end)
8.16. Array.some
8.17. Array.sort
8.18. Array.splice
(start, deleteCount, item1...N)
Network functions
9.1. GetRemoteIp
9.2. DownloadFromUrl
9.3. DownloadFromUrl64
9.4. HttpGet
(url, headers)
9.5. HttpPut
(url, data, headers)
9.6. HttpPost
(url, data, headers)
9.7. HttpFormPost
(url, data, headers)
9.8. GetUploadBase64
9.9. GetUploads
Output functions
10.1. Process
(script, cursor)
10.2. console.assert
(condition, message)
10.3. SetContentDisposition
(type, filename)
10.4. HtmlToXlsx
(filename, html)
10.5. HtmlToPdf
(filename, html, usePrintCss)
10.6. base64
10.7. SetMime
10.8. Write
10.9. SetResultCode
10.10. GetHeader
10.11. SetHeader
(name, value)
10.12. Request
10.13. Format
(value, format)
10.14. Formatting numbers
10.15. HTML.format
10.16. JSON.format
10.17. Redirect
10.18. JSON.parse
10.19. JSON.stringify
10.20. console.log
10.21. SetCulture
10.22. TextToHtml
10.23. Chr
(code, ...)
10.24. SetExecutionTimeout
String functions
11.1. Guid
11.2. Guid2
11.3. MD5
11.4. SHA256
11.5. Template literal (template strings)
11.6. TextDecode
(bytes, encoding)
11.7. TextEncode
(text, encoding)
11.8. ToHtml
(text, text2, ...)
11.9. EncodeFilename
11.10. DecodeFilename
11.11. encodeURI
11.12. encodeURIComponent
11.13. HtmlAttributeEncode
11.14. HtmlEncode
11.15. JsStringEncode obsolete
11.16. RemoveEmptyLines
11.17. String.concat
(string1, string2, ...)
11.18. String.includes
11.19. String.substring
(start, end)
11.20. String.indexOf
11.21. String.lastIndexOf
11.22. String.normalize
11.23. String.repeat
11.24. String.replace
(find, replace)
11.25. String.split
11.26. String.endsWith
11.27. String.startsWith
11.28. String.trim
11.29. StripTags
11.30. UrlEncode
Validation functions
12.1. IsNumber
(value, minValue, maxValue)
12.2. IsString
(value, minLength, maxLength)
12.3. AreEqual
(value1, value2)
12.4. AreNotEqual
(value1, value2)
12.5. IsNull
12.6. IsNotNull
12.7. IsName
12.8. IsEmail
12.9. Assert
(description, resultCode)
12.10. IsDate
12.11. IsDateTime
Share functions
13.1. Download
(file, template, preview)
13.2. GetFileShares
13.3. AddFileShare
(file, user, access, subject, message)
13.4. RemoveFileShare
(file, user)
13.5. SendEmail
(file, template, receiver, subject, message)
13.6. DownloadEmbedded
(file, embeddedId, filename)
13.7. GenerateDocument
(file, template)
13.8. SendForm
(form, subject, sendTo, smtp, subjectPrefix)
13.9. DownloadBytes
(data, filename, preview)
14.1. WriteJwt
14.2. DenyAccess
14.3. FlagActivity
14.4. DeleteJwt
14.5. GetProfilePictureUrl
Mail functions
15.1. pop3.pop
15.2. pop3.delete
(options, identifier)
15.3. pop3.get
(options, identifier)
15.4. pop3.getHeader
(options, identifier)
15.5. smtp.send
(config, message)
15.6. imap.connect
15.7. imap.getCount
(session, folder)
15.8. imap.delete
(session, message)
15.9. imap.getMessage
(session, index / uid, headersOnly, folder)
15.10. imap.disconnect
Counter functions
16.1. counters.set
(name, value, counterFile)
16.2. counters.get
(name, counterFile)
16.3. counters.inc
(name, value, counterFile)
Chapter functions
Chapter functions
Docly provided helper functions to create chapter counters working on multiple levels.
Creates a counter variable with specified name. Note that any variable with this name will be overwritten in the current scope.
Createa a counter variable with specified name. Note that any variable with this name will be overwritten in the current scope.
Steps backwards on a counter.
Adds an extra level to the counter.
Steps down one level one the counter (for multi level counters).