pop3.delete(options, identifier) Last updated: 16. Mar 2023

API only function

Deletes a single email message from POP3 server by identifier.


Name Type Description
options object POP3 options object with hostname, port, useSsl, username and password.
identifier string Mail identifier for message to delete (not number, but identifier).


Boolean, true if deleted successfully otherwise false.


Code example (JS)

JS is normal JavaScript either running in the browser or on the Docly™ server.
// Configure options
let options = {
    "hostname" : "serverhost",
    "port" : 110,
    "useSsl" : false,
    "username" : "login",
    "password" : "pass"

// Delete message by identifier
let result = pop3.delete(options, identifier);

// Return true if deleted
return result;