function [name], [params] Last updated: 06. Mar 2023


Keyword that declares a function.


Name Type Description
name (optional) string Name of function, if not specified only a reference to the function will be generated.
This can be stored in a variable or in a struct.
params (optional) any Define one or many params you want to use in your function.


The function keyword returns a callable function if no name is given. Your function will return whatever you return with the "return" keyword, from within your function body.


Code example (JS)

JS is normal JavaScript either running in the browser or on the Docly™ server.
function myFunc(a, b) {
    return a + b;

write(myFunc(1, 2)); // Outputs 3

let mystruct = {
  "func1" : function (a, b) { return a - b; }

write("\r\r"); // Insert some new lines between output
write(mystruct.func1(1, 2)); // Outputs -1


The JS code above produces the output shown below:
