httpPost(url, data, [headers]) Last updated: 04. Mar 2025

Calls specified web service and expects JSON. Parses JSON to object.


Name Type Description
url string URL to call with HTTP POST.
data object Object that will be passed as JSON body.
headers (optional) object[] Name / value object that will be converted to HTTP headers.


Returns JSON parsed object.



"login" : "test",
"password": "test"

Code example (#JS)

#JS is mixed HTML (or other text file) with inline JavaScript with # starting and ending each inline statement.
// Basic authentication
var headers = {
    "Authorization" : "BASIC " + docly.base64(login + ":" + password)
// Call some API
var result = docly.httpPost("", data, headers);
// Output result
return JSON.stringify(result);


The #JS code above produces the output shown below:
Only works in API functions, no demo.