Filesystem functions

Functions to link files and images from Docly to your web content.

This function extracts images encoded in base64 from an HTML string. It then converts these images to a more storage-efficient format by saving them separately as embedded files. The revised HTML string will reference these images using a Content ID (CID) mechanism, similar to how images are referenced in email attachments.
Get a specified folders current properties.
Ge­tEm­bed­de­dFol­der­Fi­le(folderPath, embeddedFilename)
Retrieves embedded file content from a folder's property file (.docly) by extracting and decoding the specified file data.
Sa­veFol­de­rP­rop­s(folderPath, properties)
Sa­veEm­bed­d­ed­Fol­der­Fi­le(folderPath, embeddedFilename, data)
Crea­teFo­lde­r(folderPath, folderType, folderData)
Creates a folder (also parent folders if missing) from specified path.
Deletes a specified file.
Deletes a specified folder.
Check whether a file exists or not within the site.
Check whether a folder exists or not within your site.
Ge­tEm­bed­de­dFi­le(path, id)
Get bytes of an embedded file (image or file upload) in a specific document.
Ge­tEm­bed­de­dText­Fil­e(path, id, encoding)
Get the size of an embedded file (image or file upload) in a specific document.
Inc­lude(path, template)
Include a file or template into another page.
Ge­tEm­bed­de­dFi­leSi­ze(path, id)
Get the size of an embedded file (image or file upload) in a specific document.
Get­File­s(path, searchPattern, depth, mode)
Gets a list of files from folder / optionally recursively from subfolders.
Returns information about a folder by given path.
Get­Fol­der­s(path, searchPattern, depth)
Gets a list of all subfolders below a specific folder.
Get­File(filepath, metadata)
Gets information about a specific file.
Loads a JSON file and returns the content as an object.
Link­File(embeddedId, filename)
Creates the link to an embedded file within the current document. This function is only available for display templates for document schemas.
List­File­s(path, searchPattern, tags, recursive, metaOnly)
The fastest function to retrieve a list of files from a specific path.
List­Fol­de­rs(path, searchPattern, recursive, includeCounters)
The fastest function to retrieve a list of folders from a specific path.
Lin­kIma­ge(path, width, height, mode)
Creates a link to an image within a document. Only works from site display templates for documents.
Ima­ge sca­lin­g
Read about the different scaling modes here.
Loa­dEx­cel(filename, column, row, sheet)
Loads data from Excel file into an array of objects.
Mo­veFi­le(filePath, toPath)
Moves a file from one folder to another, and renames it if the name part of the path is changed.
Mo­veFol­de­r(folderPath, destinationPath)
Moves a folder within your site.
Re­name­Fil­e(filePath, newName)
Renames a file.
Sa­veEm­bed­d­ed­File(filePath, filename, data)
Saves an embedded file to an existing Docly document. Note that embedded files that are not referenced by a field in the document will be automatically deleted.
Sa­veFi­le(filePath, data, schema, ensurePath)
Saves a file to Docly document according to specified schema. Overwrites if it already exists.
Patch­Fil­e(filePath, patchData)
Updates/patches an existing file in Docly document according to specified schema. The patch is merged with existing data.
Sa­veJ­son(filePath, data, ensurePath)
Saves data as a JSON file to Docly with specified content stringified to JSON format. This function is ideal for storing structured data in a standardized format. For more advanced document saving with custom schemas, consider using the "SaveFile" function.
LogJ­son(filePath, data)
Creates a new JSON array file or adds a new item to the existing array in the file. This function works as a log, maintaining an array of events. The server automatically adds a timestamp to each log entry.