Formatting numbers Last updated: 22. Dec 2022

Information about formatting numbers with the Docly format function.

Important! To set correct language first use the docly.SetCulture function:

To format a date use the docly.format function:

#format(123456, "N")#

If you want to add additional symbols before or after the integer and the decimal you can use the \ character before quoting the symbol you want to merge in .
Examples are:

Format Description Examples
#fieldname."0\,\-"# To display numbers as typical prices without decimals 100,-
#fieldname."\k\r\. 0.00"# Will display numbers with 2 decimals and kr. front. kr. 100,50
#fieldname."##,######"# Thousands separator 1,054.32
#fieldname."##,######\,\-"# Thousands separator with trailing ,- 1,054.32,-