Create schemas

Creating your own custom document schemas in Docly. Either code it with HTML, JS and CSS or use our builtin designer - which also allows you code.

Crea­ting Doc­ly™ Sc­hema­s
This guide will get you started with creating your own custom Docly™ schemas.
Using a fol­der sc­hema
Folder schemas makes it possible to define additional information on a folder. Such as sort order, images, icon and display names.
Crea­ting do­cument sc­hema­s
Create your own document templates. A document template consists of a FORM to enter the data and one or more output templates. Output templates are used to generate web pages or other documents.
Chan­ging fol­der sc­hema and pro­per­tie­s
Follow this guide to setup your folders with properties such as sorting and display name parameters.
Inc­lude the Ti­nyM­CE edi­tor in a for­m
Follow this guide to include a this great rich text editor as a part of your Docly Forms. You can of course also use this guide to include other editors to your forms. Read more the TinyMCE editor at
Crea­ting PDF temp­late­s in HTM­L
You can in Docly create document templates that will be rendered from HTML and convert to PDF. These templates can be used for document downloads or publishing online.
Crea­ting fol­der sc­hema­s
Information about setting up your own folder schemas in Docly.
Crea­ting Ex­cel out­put temp­late for a Doc­ly sc­hema
This guide shows you how to setup output templates in Docly schemas that produce Excel-files as output (XLSX).
In­sert the do­cument tag field in a sc­hema
Use this markup to add a tag field (Docly system field) to your schema. Only one allowed in a schema.
Ma­ke a do­cument sc­hema or temp­late pub­lic avai­lab­le
This guide explains how you share a document or folder with "everyone" in Docly, making it freely available for use by all users. This feature is only available for developer users.
In­dexed fields in sc­hema­s
Setting up which fields in your schema you would like the search engine to index.