About schemas Last updated: 21. Jun 2024

All Docly documents refer a document schema. The schema defines the structure and editor for a document. There are builtin schemas and you can create custom schemas.

Schemas in a document database

In Docly (a NoSQL database) you create document schemas that provide the fields and structure of your different type of documents. It is simmillare to defining what columns and column types you have in a table in a SQL relational database. But it is not as strict and it allows a structure of data and not only a table. Also if you change a schema the existing documents are not automatically changed.

The editor to add and edit documents are also generated from the document schema in Docly. So you easily can provide possibility to add and edit data to your users. You can also code this yourself if you prefer that to the built-in features.

Document schemas can have a structure and contain arrays of data and structures recursively which makes it possible and easy to keep much larger and more complex datastructures within one document than you would in one SQL database row.

Creating custom schemas

Docly with granted developer access can create their own document schemas.

A schema consists of the following components:

  • HTML form - the form fields and structure
  • Javascript - validation, user feedback and other logic
  • CSS - you can style your form either with inline styles or provide CSS seperately
  • Templates - HTML, XLSX or DOCX documents that merges data from your documents into a visual representation (HTML, PDF, DOCX, XLSX or any other text format)

You can either code the entire HTML form by hand or use the Docly Form designer, which allows you to drag and drop components and fields into your document schema.

Document schemas and data their documents store can be used to generate output files or web content, databases or configuration.

Folder and Document schemas

Choose "Use this schema for" Documents or Folders in order to specify if this schema is for folders or documents.

Docly Schema

This editor lets you code everything from scratch yourself. No limitations.

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Docly Schema (designer)

This editor lets you create forms more efficiently with a drag and drop designer. It has a lot of features and you can "opt out" with custom source code inside the form whereever you like. Making schemas with this designer is the recommended option for most cases.

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The built in javascript events

Event name Description
Gobal JS declarations Any javascript code that you can add to your schema page. You can add any variables, functions etc.
AttachDocEvents($e, $form) As the Docly schemas can add new list items (with smartform) you can attach your event handlers through this function.
UpdateFormGUI() Runs after 250 ms of a change, makes it possible to calculate values, show/hide elements etc in your form.
UpdateCalculations() Runs immidiately after a change in the form, be careful that you don't create a lag

Custom functions

You can add any custom functions you would like to use in your schema.

These will be added to the DOM of the editor and removed from the DOM when the editor is closed.

Creating output templates

With the output templates you can create HTML, PDF, DOCX or XLSX versions of the data in your document. The templates can either be used for sending and downloading your document - or publishing on the web.

To create a PDF file either make a template in HTML or DOCX and add ".pdf" to the template name:

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Developer access

Coding Docly schemas means you have to act responsible or you may be blocked.

Anyone who wants to code custom schemas will have to apply to get developer access on our official page:


Please report any abuse or suspicious activity you may see.