Sending SMS through BulkSMS gateway from Docly JS API Last updated: 22. Jun 2023

This example will send an SMS from your Docly JS API to a phonenumber. It requires an account at BulkSMS and credits.


Code #/API/SMS.js

let data = {
    "to": "+123", // number to send SMS to
    "body": "Hello from Docly™", // message to send
    "encoding": "UNICODE", // encoding, unicode recommended
    //"from" : "MyID" // sender ID, optional

// You need a BULKSMS account - create one here:
let login = "BULK SMS username"; // insert your username here
let pass = "BULK SMS password"; // insert your password here

let auth = "Basic " + docly.base64(login + ":"  + pass);
let headers = { "Authorization" : auth };

let url = "";
let result = docly.httpPost(url, data, headers);
return result;