Creating a Template Collection in Docly Last updated: 12. Oct 2023

Docly is designed as a specialized file system, uniquely tailored for JSON files to guarantee structured data consistency. Template Collections allow you to assemble a group of templates for streamlined access. After activating these templates within a workspace, they conveniently appear in the "New Document" dialog, facilitating creation in both the primary folder and its sub-folders.

Here's how to make it work:

1. Ensure Developer Access

Before diving in, confirm you have developer access. If you haven’t secured this access yet, apply for it through Docly's developer access process. This is an essential step, as only developers can create and modify Template Collections.

2. Create a New Folder

Navigate to your preferred location or workspace within Docly. Here, initiate the process to create a new folder.

3. Access the Folder’s Properties

Once your new folder is ready, open its properties. This can typically be done by right-clicking on the folder and clicking "Properties" on the context menu.

4. Change it to a "Template Collection"

Within the folder properties, change the folder type. Select the option for "Template Collection" from the available list.

5. Populate Your Template Collection

Now comes the exciting part! Begin adding templates to your folder. This can include:

  • Document schemas
  • Pre-filled documents
  • Folder schemas
  • Pre-filled folders

These templates will become the options available under the "New document" dialog when you activate it in a workspace and/or specific folders within the workspace.

6. Activate Your Templates

To make your templates accessible in the "New Document" dialog of other folders, activate them within those specific folders. Navigate to the properties of any workspace top folder or its sub-folders where you intend to use the templates. From there, you can enable the templates from your Template Collection to be accessible in that folder and its sub-folders.

7. Utilize Templates from Your Template Collection

Once activated, when you're in a folder within your workspace and you select the "New Document" option, the templates from your Template Collection should be readily available, ensuring structural uniformity across your Docly environment.


  • Docly's Structure: Docly lets you neatly organize JSON files. By creating and using templates, you ensure all your files follow a set pattern or structure.
  • Built-In and Custom Options: Docly provides ready-to-use templates (called "schemas"). But if those don't fit your needs, you can create your own!
  • Spread of Templates: Once you set up templates in one main folder, you can easily use them in its sub-folders too. This makes sure everything stays consistent.

In short, Docly helps you keep your files tidy and well-organized, making data management a breeze.