
Learn about different template types and their implementation to ensure consistent and structured data across your document database.

Int­roduc­t­ion to Pac­kage­s
In the Docly™ Express Code Platform, packages play a crucial role in shaping the functionalities and capabilities of your workspace. A package is essentially a modular component that can be added to your workspace to extend its features.
Un­ders­tan­d­ing and Using Temp­late­s
Docly’s templating system is designed to simplify data entry while ensuring uniformity across your document database. By introducing schemas that enforce precise structures, both for documents and folders, users are effortlessly guided to input data that aligns with the desired format. This not only ensures consistent metadata tagging but also tailors each document and folder to optimally serve the specific needs and purpose of their corresponding database.
Crea­ting a Temp­late Col­lec­tio­n in Doc­ly
Docly is designed as a specialized file system, uniquely tailored for JSON files to guarantee structured data consistency. Template Collections allow you to assemble a group of templates for streamlined access. After activating these templates within a workspace, they conveniently appear in the "New Document" dialog, facilitating creation in both the primary folder and its sub-folders.