Code of conduct Last updated: 07. May 2024

Welcome to the Docly™ Code of Conduct. This document serves as a guide to ensure respectful, safe, and responsible behavior across our platform.

Welcome to our SaaS platform! We are committed to providing a positive and safe environment for all users. Our code of conduct outlines the expected behavior of all users, promoting respect and inclusivity, and ensuring that everyone is held accountable for their actions. By following our code of conduct, users can contribute to the success and growth of our platform, while acting with integrity and professionalism. We take violations of the code of conduct seriously and have established clear reporting mechanisms and consequences for any violations. Thank you for helping us maintain a positive and safe community on our platform.

  • Respectful Behavior: All users should engage in respectful behavior towards each other, without engaging in harassment, discrimination, or any other behavior that could make others feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
  • Compliance: Users should comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to their use of the platform, including those related to data privacy and cybersecurity.
  • Content Standards: Users should adhere to any content standards set by your platform, such as rules regarding hate speech, obscenity, or illegal content.
  • Intellectual Property: Users should respect the intellectual property of others and not infringe on copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights.
  • Responsible Use: Users should use the platform responsibly, without engaging in any behavior that could harm the platform, other users, or your business.
  • Reporting Mechanism: Establish a clear reporting mechanism for any violations of the code of conduct, along with a process for addressing and resolving complaints.
  • Enforcement: Set out clear consequences for any violations of the code of conduct, which could include suspension or termination of user accounts.

Thank you for following our code of conduct. We believe that by adhering to these guidelines, we can work together to create a positive and safe community on our platform. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. We appreciate your commitment to upholding our values and contributing to the success of our platform.